State Safety Global
For visibly better safety performanceState Safety Global
Supports safety management and safety improvement in aviation and other safety critical industries.
Services include direct support and / or training for:
State Safety Programmes
State Safety Programmes (SSP) as required by ICAO Annex 19, including developments and updates to meet Annex 19 Edition 2, Applicable 2019. SSP USOAP Protocol Questions focus on SSP training for all relevant staff.
Safety Plans and Safety Performance Indicators
Annex 19 Edition 2 and the Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) call for States to identify their aviation safety risk priorities from the data and have action plans to implement improvements.
Human Factors
Human performance or human error in general safety issues, especially Human Factors issues in aircraft design and Type Certification, and to reduce risk from errors during maintenance /operation.

The State Safety Programme
All States are required to have a State Safety Programme (SSP). This is defined by ICAO as an integrated set of regulations and activities aimed at improving safety. The SSP is not simply a document (although a document is a necessary part of it). This is a new requirement and many States have found it useful to have some support in defining, documenting and implementing their SSP, and ensure that it complies with ICAO Annex 19 Edition 2. (Edition 2 becomes Applicable in 2019.) They may also want to complement it with support on:
- A Safety Plan of improvement actions to align with the ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP)
- Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs) to provide safety performance data
- SSP Training to ensure staff are aware and comply with the USOAP SSP PQs on SSP Training
What We Do
State Safety Global can provide support on site and assist States to complete their Gap Analysis, SSP and Safety Plans in a short time. Everything is developed together with you and tailored to meet your goals, including Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and the definition of the Acceptable Level of Safety Performance (ALoSP), Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs) and appropriate improvement actions for your situation. Once implementation plans are established, they are simple to follow and the SSP and Safety Plan can be published on your website.
The SSP USOAP Protocol Questions (PQs) focus on SSP Training for staff. This can also be provided, either as a short online briefing for awareness, including a training certificate, or a more detailed onsite course for three days for those who will be actively involved in the SSP and Safety Plans. Onsite training will include practical exercises and Human Factors awareness so that you will be ready to complete your SSP with confidence.

Who Provides Support
To support your SSP, we can provide the former Chairman of the ICAO Safety Management Panel, the international Panel that produced the first and second Editions of Annex 19. This way, you can get direct insight into how to meet the PQs and the Standards & Recommended Practices and the guidance in the new Safety Management Manual (SMM, doc 9859) recently updated to Version 4.
Direct support on producing the SSP, updating it from Edition 1 to Edition 2 and SSP Training has already been delivered in many States in Europe, Central Asia, Middle East, Indian Ocean and South East Asia. The needs of every State are different and every SSP support project and every training course are tailored to the needs of the specific customer. We always remember that this is your SSP – and we can help you to achieve it.
The State Safety Programme
State Safety Global assists National Aviation Authorities to generate successful State Safety Programmes (SSP), compliant with ICAO Annex 19 Edition 2. By visiting on site and understanding your situation, the SSP will be tailored to your national and local needs whilst containing all the elements expected by ICAO. In addition, we can help with detailed Safety Plans, development of Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs) and effective safety improvement projects to suit any budget and ambition, however large or small.
By keeping aware of safety developments world-wide, we can help you make use of available best practice or to break new ground and develop your own. In particular, we can help with the understanding and interventions for assuring human performance and dealing with human error, the principal factor in most aviation incidents. Or, we can help you to perform confidential checks on your own internal safety systems to ensure that if any gaps exist, they are filled. Of course, you stay in control, always.
For examples of our current projects please click here.
Training Courses

One hour web based training, can be viewed on any device in seven minutes blocks
This course introduces the State Safety Programme (SSP) for ICAO Annex 19, outlining the content and actions necessary to produce the SSP with changes for Edition 2 and includes the SSP, Safety Information Protection, Acceptable Level of Safety Performance, SMS, Hazards, Risk and SPIs. This course can be used to inform all CAA staff on the importance and basic content of the SSP and includes a Training Certificate as evidence for the ICAO Protocol Questions on SSP Training.
Training courses range from comprehensive onsite training with practical exercises and examples to accessible online briefing material taking a total of one hour (divided into seven short modules). All courses including online briefings include a short test and a personal Training Certificate for your records.
Most popular courses are:
- SSP Awareness Briefing – 1 hour (see below)
- SSP Practitioner – 3 days
- SSP Practitioner plus SMS – 5 days

Dr. Hazel Courteney – CEO State Safety Global
Current Projects

State Safety Programmes (SSP)s

Safety Improvement projects for Offshore Helicopters

Infrastructure Resilience
Latest News
Recent Projects
ICAO SSP Training Validations
IATA Safety Culture Analysis
Schumacher Institute Resilience Shift ‘Action Learning’ Implementation Workshops
New Materials
State Safety Programme (SSP)Annex 19 Edition 2 – Applicable 2019 (Russian Subtitles)
Conference Appearances & Articles
HeliOffshore Conference May 2017 & May 2018
IATA Safety & Operations Conference 2016
Aerospace Magazine
March 2018 ‘Designing Out Human Error’
August 2016 ‘Annex 19: A safe bet’